
Our transaction platform is the only block solution tailored and dedicated to German listed SMEs. Unlike every other MTF and dark pool in Europe, which are pan-European, all-cap coverage and either clear through LCH/EuroCCP or settle OTC, SideCaps is vertically integrated into Deutsche Börse’s infrastructure with Xetra/ Boerse Frankfurt and Eurex CCP. This dedicated focus makes SideCaps Pool a “must-have” for block investors in German small cap stocks.

SideCaps Pool is live - launch period started

SideCaps Pool - Trade Blotter

Reinventing German and Austrian SME block trading

SideCaps brings together the complete universe of small cap liquidity including traditional buy-side and sell-side firms as well as “professional” private investors and boutique investment firms.

With trade executions on Xetra/ Boerse Frankfurt, off-order book, trades by long-term investors in small caps on SideCaps contribute to the official exchange trading volumes. This setup also enables SideCaps to support pre-arranged crosses and internal crosses.

CCP settlement through Eurex provides optimum counterparty risk management and settlement discipline, combined with netting by SideCaps to eliminate CCP margin calls for clients.


With trades above Large-In-Scale (LIS), SideCaps’ safe environment for larger sized, long-term investing is further enhanced by SideCaps’ “price/quantity/last trade T-2/time” order priority to drive larger trade sizes, and SideCaps’ functionality to prevent toxic pinging for liquidity.

Designed to assist sourcing liquidity in highly illiquid stocks, users have total control over pre-trade order transparency from dark to lit, providing command functionality to balance impact costs against trading opportunity costs.

Private bi-lateral functionality limits impact costs whilst maximizing trade matching in illiquid stocks.

SideCaps Pool - Order Entry


Mid-price matching eliminates trading spreads, with the option of either the official market Mid price or matching of limit orders at the overlapping mid-point, providing the opportunity for price improvement.

We increase the probability of quickly finding a suitable counterparty for large-volume orders, with unique smart functionality to build liquidity in illiquid stocks and assist price negotiations. In addition, bi-lateral historic trading functionality encourages follow-on trades, enabling fund managers and investors to create orders in response to trading opportunities.


Simple connection via your web browser or FIX

The technical connection to SideCaps Pool is flexible and adapts to the different requirements of the customers, from full STP connectivity via FIX, to secure web-browser solution with comprehensive functionality and optional drop-copy via SFTP. SideCaps supports the full scope of connectivity requirements of traditional buy-side and sell-side firms, as well as functionality and tools to support “professional” private investors and boutique investment firms.        

SideCaps Pool - Flexibel


100% real block liquidity in German small caps

Safe trading with control over impact costs and trading opportunity costs


Fair mid-point pricing, eliminating trading spreads

Vertical integration into Xetra/ Boerse Frankfurt and EurexCCP



Improving Liquidity


Better visibility of trading volume


Easier trading in your shares


Higher rating


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