Reinventing block trading in SME stocks: 100% Small and Microcaps

SideCaps radically simplifies large-volume investments in listed small caps and acts as a central platform for block trading with an on-exchange execution off-book on Xetra and Börse Frankfurt.

SideCaps Pool is live - launch period started

Intelligent block trading

Total user control over pre-trade transparency, from dark to lit, providing users with command functionality to balance impact costs against trading opportunity costs.

Consolidating small cap liquidity

The complete universe of small cap liquidity: Tools for boutique investment firms and “professional” private clients, brings their block liquidity together with traditional buy-side and sell-side firms.


German market visibility for SME stocks

Trades execute on Xetra/ Boerse Frankfurt in parallel to the order-book, bringing block liquidity in German small caps back to Deutsche Boerse.


CCP settlement without the costs

CCP settlement through Eurex provides optimal risk management and settlement discipline, whilst netting by SideCaps removes the high CCP margins in small cap stocks.

Lower Costs

Mid-price matching, eliminates trading spreads.

Networking hub

The only platform that links the whole SME eco-system from listed companies to investors to improve investment information flow.

Tailor made for small cap blocks

We’re laser focused on long-only, block trading, eliminating the room for toxic order flow.


Liquidity building information

Unique smart functionality builds liquidity in illiquid stocks and assists price negotiations with limited impact costs through private bi-lateral transparency.

This is SideCaps

“Reinventing SMEs and making large-volume investments in this attractive segment significantly easier and more transparent for all market participants.” This is the mission that has motivated us every day since our launch. By providing a holistic, digital ecosystem for listed small caps, we bring all players together and offer a comprehensive platform for the targeted procurement of information as well as the efficient initiation and execution of large-volume transactions.


Information for German and Austrian SME investments in a new dimension

SideCaps Insights brings together all the data from the small cap listed companies themselves on a multi-sided content platform and enables more informed and faster investment decisions. Together with classic fundamental and price data, SideCaps Insights is a unique depository of all relevant IR documents and issuer-funded research in one solution for the first time. Our Liquidity Boards provide an overview of liquidity signals from our trading pool “SideCaps Pool”, and private alerts help source and build block liquidity in illiquid small cap stocks.

Users can personalize the content and further target their research effort.

Social tools on SideCaps Insights enable high quality engagement between investors and issuers about the stocks in our small cap universe.


A new dimension in small cap block liquidity

SideCaps Pool is the innovative transaction platform for German small cap, block investments.

SideCaps Pool consolidates liquidity from the widest universe of market participants in a dark pool format with user-controlled pre-trade transparency, thereby increasing the probability of execution whilst controlling market impact; all with mid-price execution. Thanks to flexible order types and matching logic designed for block transactions, clients benefit from a high potential for improved block liquidity.

Trades are executed on Xetra/ Boerse Frankfurt, outside the order book, and cleared through Eurex Clearing CCP, ensuring the highest regulatory standards, the optimum counterparty risk management and the strongest settlement discipline in the market today, whilst SideCaps nets the margin calls from Eurex to remove the high costs of CCP settlement normal for small cap stocks.


Exceptional Performance

Listed SMEs write attractive success stories and offer above-average return potential.

There are good reasons for this:
The small cap market segment offers an extraordinarily wide variety of business models. It is often home to market-leading hidden champions with a high level of innovative strength. Their strong growth rates are the basis for excellent performance.

SideCaps has dedicated itself to the mission of making this potential more easily and favorably accessible to all block traders.


Dax30, SDAX and DAX FamilyPlus are registered trademarks of Deutsche Börse AG.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. The chart depicts the net growth of an investment made on January 1, 2002 (excluding any transaction costs).

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